在牙买加圣玛丽,一名男子在被一名亲属用砍刀攻击后住院治疗。 In St. Mary, Jamaica, a man was hospitalized after being attacked with a machete by a relative.
牙买加圣玛丽的家庭纠纷使一名男子在被一名亲属用砍刀攻击后头部和手部严重受伤而住院。 A family dispute in St Mary, Jamaica, left a man hospitalized with serious head and hand injuries after he was attacked with a machete by a relative. 事件发生时,受害人回家发现他的房间被洗劫一空,门被强行打开。 The incident occurred when the victim returned home to find his room ransacked and his door forced open. 袭击者逃离现场,目前警方正在追捕。 The attacker fled the scene and is currently being sought by the police. 受害者正在Maria港医院接受治疗。 The victim is receiving treatment at Port Maria Hospital.