印度养恤金和养恤金领取者福利部为80岁以上的中央政府养恤金领取者提供年龄级的同情津贴。 India's Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare introduces age-tiered compassionate allowance for central government pensioners aged 80+.
印度养恤金和养恤金领取者福利部为80岁及以上的中央政府养恤金领取者发放了同情津贴,以协助管理生活费用。 The Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare in India has introduced a compassionate allowance for central government pensioners aged 80 and above to aid in managing living costs. 津贴因年龄而异:80-85岁为20%,85-90岁为30%,90-95岁为40%,95-100岁为50%,100岁以上为100%。 The allowance varies by age: 20% for 80-85, 30% for 85-90, 40% for 90-95, 50% for 95-100, and 100% for those over 100. 从80岁开始的月份开始,新的准则旨在简化获得这些福利的手续。 Effective from the month of turning 80, new guidelines aim to simplify access to these benefits. 指示各部门和银行及时通知符合条件的养恤金领取人。 Departments and banks are instructed to inform eligible pensioners promptly.