6周年:印度的Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY计划继续为12.34个育龄家庭提供医疗保险,包括70岁及以上的所有公民。 6th anniversary: India's Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY scheme continues to provide health coverage to 12.34 crore families, expanding to include all citizens aged 70 and older.
印度于2018年启动的Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY计划(Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY)在其成立六周年之际,继续为12.34个育龄家庭提供关键的医疗保险,每年最多提供5万卢比的住院治疗。 On its sixth anniversary, India's Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY scheme, launched in 2018, continues to provide critical health coverage to 12.34 crore families, offering up to Rs 5 lakh annually for hospitalization. 最近,覆盖面扩大到所有70岁及以上的公民,使大约6 000万老年人受益。 Recently, coverage was expanded to include all citizens aged 70 and older, benefiting about 60 million seniors. 该计划虽然成功地减少了医疗费用,但面临着解决门诊费用和确保在印度老龄化人口中满足日益增长的需求的能力等挑战。 While successful in reducing medical expenses, the scheme faces challenges like addressing outpatient costs and ensuring capacity for growing demand amid India's aging population.