德里扩大了老年养恤金计划,增加了80,000名受益人,并提供了月付款项。 Delhi expands its old-age pension scheme, adding 80,000 beneficiaries and offering monthly payouts.
德里首席部长阿尔文德·凯吉里瓦尔(Arvind Kejriwal)宣布扩展该市的养老金计划, Delhi's Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced an expansion of the city's old-age pension scheme, adding 80,000 beneficiaries, totaling 5.3 lakh recipients. 该计划每月向60-69岁者提供2 000英镑,向70岁以上者提供2 500英镑。 The scheme offers ₹2,000 per month to those aged 60-69 and ₹2,500 to those over 70. 为第一天收到的10 000份申请建立一个新的门户网站,该网站将开放三周或至收到80 000份申请为止。 A new web portal for applications received 10,000 submissions on the first day and will remain open for three weeks or until 80,000 applications are received.