英国计划在2022年1月推出一项为受"同性恋禁令"影响的LGBT退伍军人提供5000万英的经济补偿计划. UK plans January 2022 launch of a £50M financial redress scheme for LGBT veterans affected by "gay ban".
联合王国政府计划在2022年1月启动一项财政补偿计划,帮助受“同性恋禁令”影响的退伍军人,该禁令导致男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者服务成员在2000年之前被解雇和受到虐待。 The UK government plans to launch a financial redress scheme in January 2022 for veterans affected by the "gay ban," which led to dismissals and mistreatment of LGBT service members before 2000. 一项独立审查提出了5 000万英镑的补偿上限,平均每名退伍军人12 500英镑。 An independent review suggested a £50 million compensation cap, averaging £12,500 per veteran. 批评者,包括主要慈善机构,认为这一数额不足,要求增加资金,以确保对约4 000名符合条件的退伍军人给予公平赔偿。 Critics, including major charities, argue this amount is insufficient and call for increased funding to ensure fair compensation for approximately 4,000 eligible veterans.