众议院通过了895B美元的国防法案,提高了工资,并禁止一些变性军事治疗。 House passes $895B defense bill with pay raises and ban on some transgender military treatments.
美国众议院已通过8 950亿美元的国防法案, 授权本财政年度国防开支增加1%, The US House of Representatives has passed an $895 billion defense bill, authorizing a 1% increase in defense spending for the fiscal year and offering significant pay raises to enlisted service members. 该法案包括低级军人增加14.5%,其他人增加4.5%。 该法案还禁止对军人儿童进行变性医疗治疗,如果这种治疗可能导致绝育。 The bill, which includes a 14.5% raise for junior enlisted personnel and a 4.5% increase for others, also bans transgender medical treatments for military children if such treatments could result in sterilization. 该立法已经通过281-140,现在将移交参议院。 The legislation, which passed 281-140, will now move to the Senate. 批评者认为,由于财政压力,禁止变性者接受医疗可能会促使一些服务成员离开,从而损害国家安全。 Critics argue that the ban on transgender medical treatments could harm national security by prompting some service members to leave due to financial pressures.