20个蒙面的新纳粹分子扰乱了墨尔本难民集会,高呼白人至上主义者的口号;警察在没有逮捕的情况下进行干预。 20 masked neo-Nazis disrupted a Melbourne refugee rally, chanting white supremacist slogans; police intervened without arrests.
在墨尔本,大约20名蒙面的新纳粹分子破坏难民集会第100天,高呼白人至高无上口号,并展示攻击性旗帜。 In Melbourne, about 20 masked neo-Nazis disrupted a refugee rally on its 100th day, chanting white supremacist slogans and displaying an offensive banner. 警察使用胡椒喷雾进行干预,设法驱散这些团体,没有逮捕或伤害。 Police intervened using pepper spray, managing to disperse the groups without arrests or injuries. 这标志着抗议活动第三次中断,抗议活动主张为寻求庇护者发放永久签证。 This marked the third disruption of the protest, which advocates for permanent visas for asylum seekers. 总理雅辛塔·艾伦谴责新纳粹的行动,并宣布计划加强反诽谤框架。 Premier Jacinta Allan condemned the neo-Nazis' actions and announced plans for a strengthened anti-vilification framework.