50个人参加了在澳大利亚科罗瓦举行的未经批准的白人至上派集会, 50 individuals participated in an unauthorized white supremacist rally in Corowa, Australia, chanting "Australia for the white man."
周六,大约 50 人参加了在澳大利亚科罗瓦举行的未经授权的白人至上主义集会。 Approximately 50 individuals participated in an unauthorized white supremacist rally in Corowa, Australia, on Saturday. 身穿黑色,高呼口号, 像是「澳大利亚为白人而战」, 他们聚集在镇上的战争纪念碑上。 Dressed in black and chanting slogans like "Australia for the white man," they gathered at the town's war memorial. 当地警察驱散了该团体,没有逮捕任何人。 Local police dispersed the group without making any arrests. 这一事件受到Patrick Bourke市长的谴责,在该镇是史无前例的,人口多种多样,引起了居民的关切。 This event, condemned by Mayor Patrick Bourke, was unprecedented in the town, which has a diverse population, raising concerns among residents.