4名与澳大利亚最大的新纳粹团体勾结的男子因种族主义事件在墨尔本被捕。 Four men tied to Australia’s largest neo-Nazi group were arrested in Melbourne for racist incidents.
与澳大利亚最大的新纳粹团体“国家社会主义网络”有联系的四个男子在墨尔本因一系列据称的种族主义事件被捕。 Four men linked to Australia’s largest neo-Nazi group, the National Socialist Network, were arrested in Melbourne following a series of alleged racist incidents. 逮捕是警察“行动日”的一部分,其起因是骚扰妇女和其他攻击行为。 The arrests, part of a police "day of action," stemmed from harassment of women and other offensive acts. 三名男子因严重的种族诽谤而受到审问,一名31岁男子因恐吓警察而面临指控。 Three men are being questioned for serious racial vilification, while a 31-year-old faces charges for intimidating police. 当局强调对仇恨犯罪和警察恐吓行为采取零容忍政策。 Authorities emphasize a zero-tolerance policy toward hate crimes and police intimidation.