德国经济部长提议为基础设施设立“德国基金”, Germany's Economy Minister proposes a "Germany Fund" for infrastructure, 10% investment premium for businesses, targeting SMEs, and reduced bureaucracy.
德国经济部长罗伯特·哈贝克(Robert Habeck)公布了一项振兴经济的计划, 提议设立“德国基金”支持基础设施, 并为公司提供10%的投资溢价。 Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck has unveiled a plan to revitalize the economy, proposing a "Germany Fund" to bolster infrastructure and offer a 10% investment premium for companies. 该基金针对中小型企业,旨在放宽限制性预算政策,促进私人投资。 Targeting small and medium-sized enterprises, the fund aims to ease restrictive budget policies and promote private investment. 该倡议包括呼吁减少官僚主义和对气候保护的补贴,同时确保债务增长保持温和。 The initiative includes calls for reduced bureaucracy and subsidies for climate protection, while ensuring debt growth remains moderate.