Habeck警告说,如果对德国货物征收新的关税,德国就威胁对美国征收关税。 Germany threatens tariffs on the US if new duties are imposed on German goods, Habeck warns.
德国副总理兼经济部长罗伯特·哈贝克(Robert Habeck)警告说,如果美国对德国货物规定新的关税,德国可能会征收报复性关税。 Germany's Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister, Robert Habeck, has warned that Germany may impose retaliatory tariffs if the US enacts new duties on German goods. Habeck强调欧洲必须在创新和基础设施方面自力更生,敦促欧盟保持团结,避免贸易冲突。 Habeck emphasized the need for Europe to be self-reliant in innovation and infrastructure, urging the EU to stay united and avoid trade conflicts. 他批评美国退出《巴黎气候协定》,强调欧洲在低碳技术领域发挥领导作用的重要性。 He criticized the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, stressing the importance of European leadership in low-carbon technologies. Habeck还强调,必须应对极右政党的崛起。 Habeck also highlighted the need to tackle the rise of far-right parties.