加利福尼亚州保护公民基金会面临检查,以发现对道德操守投诉反应缓慢,影响问责制和公众信任。 California FPPC faces scrutiny for slow ethics complaint response, impacting accountability and public trust.
加利福尼亚公平政治惯例委员会(公平政治惯例委员会)因对涉及政治家的道德投诉反应迟缓而遭到批评。 The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has faced criticism for its slow response to ethics complaints involving politicians. 报告强调调查积压,引起对问责制和透明度的关切。 Reports highlight a backlog in investigations, raising concerns about accountability and transparency. 利益攸关方认为,这种拖延破坏了公众对政治进程的信任,并呼吁进行改革,提高人民党在处理违反道德行为方面的效率和效力。 Stakeholders argue this delay undermines public trust in the political process and calls for reforms to enhance the FPPC's efficiency and effectiveness in handling ethical violations.