艾伯塔省的UCP建议免除政治工作人员利益冲突规则,引发伦理问题辩论。 Alberta's UCP proposes exempting political staffers from conflict of interest rules, sparking ethics debates.
艾伯塔的UCP党提议免除大多数政治工作人员在利益冲突规则方面的豁免权, Alberta's UCP party proposes exempting most political staffers from conflict of interest rules, sparking concerns about increased government secrecy and corruption. 国民民主党批评这些变化,认为它们可能使艾伯塔省成为加拿大最腐败的省份。 The NDP criticizes these changes, arguing they could make Alberta the most corrupt province in Canada. UCP为该提案辩护,声称艾伯塔省在道德规则中专门包括高级公务员。 The UCP defends the proposal, claiming Alberta uniquely includes senior public servants in ethics rules. 这是继最近部长们接受医疗供应商赠送礼物的问题之后发生的。 This follows recent issues with ministers accepting gifts from a medical supplier.