Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick在竞选交易和活动方面面临着违反道德的行为。 Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick faces ethics violations over campaign transactions and activities.
国会道德办公室发现有充分理由认为美国共和国Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick(D-FL)在竞选交易和官方活动中违反了众议院规则和联邦法律。 The Office of Congressional Ethics has found substantial reasons to believe U.S. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) violated House rules and federal law in her campaign transactions and official activities. 指控包括未披露的向州PAC支付的款项、接受无偿服务以及接受过多的竞选捐款。 Allegations include undisclosed payments to a state PAC, receiving services without compensation, and accepting excessive campaign contributions. Cherfilus-McCormick及其同伙不配合调查,但她的发言人说,报告并不意味着不当行为,她计划继续与道德操守委员会合作。 Cherfilus-McCormick and her associates did not cooperate with the investigation, but her spokesperson said the report does not imply wrongdoing, and she plans to continue working with the Ethics Committee.