民主党印第安纳州州长候选人詹妮弗·麦考密克 (Jennifer McCormick) 提议进行道德改革,包括禁止赠送礼物、禁止游说者担任政治职务以及延长立法者成为游说者的等待期。 Democratic Indiana gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick proposes ethics reforms, including gifting ban, political position prohibition for lobbyists and extended waiting period for lawmakers to become lobbyists.
民主总督候选人Jennifer McCormick提议在印第安纳进行道德操守改革,以加强透明度和问责制。 Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick has proposed ethics reforms in Indiana aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability. 关键措施包括禁止说客赠送立法者,防止说客担任政治职务,延长立法者成为说客的等待期。 Key measures include banning lobbyists from gifting lawmakers, preventing lobbyists from holding political positions, and extending the waiting period for lawmakers to become lobbyists. 她还计划在监察主任领导下建立一个性骚扰报告制度。 She also plans to establish a sexual harassment reporting system under the inspector general. 这些建议需要立法批准,并寻求促进公众对政府的信任。 These proposals require legislative approval and seek to foster public trust in government.