WA报告显示,选民官员滥用工作时间执行工党的政治任务。 WA report reveals electorate officers misused work time for Labor Party political tasks.
西澳大利亚州腐败和犯罪问题委员会(CCC)发现,在纳税人的资助下,选民官员定期在工作时间内为劳工议员开展政治竞选活动。 Western Australia's Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) found that electorate officers, funded by taxpayers, regularly engaged in political campaigning for Labor MPs during work hours. 该报告因缺乏记录而没有发现腐败,它强调了为政治目的滥用公共资金的情况。 The report, which did not find corruption due to a lack of records, highlights a misuse of public funds for political purposes. 基督教团结委员会建议更严格的准则,以确保官员只为选民服务,不参与政党政治工作。 The CCC recommends stricter guidelines to ensure officers only serve constituents and not engage in party political work.