马尼托巴省为高危群体开展免费流感、COVID-19和RSV疫苗接种运动。 Manitoba launches free flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccination campaign for high-risk groups.
马尼托巴省在呼吸道病毒季节之前发起了流感疫苗注射运动,敦促六个月及以上居民免费接种流感疫苗和COVID-19疫苗。 Manitoba has initiated its flu shot campaign ahead of the respiratory virus season, urging residents six months and older to receive free influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations. 特别鼓励包括老年人和孕妇在内的高危群体接种疫苗。 High-risk groups, including seniors and pregnant women, are particularly encouraged to get vaccinated. 该省还为接受长期护理的老年人提供免费的RSV疫苗,并开设了更多的急性护理床位。 The province is also providing free RSV vaccines for seniors in long-term care and has opened additional acute care beds. 公众认识运动将促进疫苗接种和预防性保健措施。 A public awareness campaign will promote vaccination and preventive health measures.