成都放松了购房政策,允许所有房主和买家不受限制地进行户口登记。 Chengdu relaxes home purchase policy, allowing unrestricted household registration for all homeowners and buyers.
中国西南主要城市成都修订了购房政策,以加强房地产市场。 Chengdu, a major city in southwest China, has revised its home purchase policy to enhance its property market. 从10月15日起,所有房主和买主都可以申请户口登记,而不必事先限制住房规模或购买期限。 Effective October 15, all homeowners and buyers can apply for household registration without previous restrictions on housing size or purchase duration. 这项为期三年的政策旨在吸引新居民,并遵循其他主要城市的类似举措,在中国住房部的支持下,管理地方房地产市场。 This three-year policy aims to attract new residents and follows similar initiatives in other major cities, with support from China's Ministry of Housing to regulate local real estate markets.