由于缺乏医疗保健,尼日利亚流离失所营地的孕妇面临高死亡率。 Pregnant women in Nigerian displacement camps face high mortality rates due to lack of healthcare.
尼日利亚东北部流离失所者营地的孕妇由于缺乏基本生活设施和保健服务,面临严重的健康风险。 Pregnant women in northeast Nigerian displacement camps face severe health risks due to a lack of basic amenities and healthcare services. 11年来流离失所的Aisha Usman在分娩期间失去了9个孩子。 Aisha Usman, displaced for 11 years, has lost nine children during childbirth. 由于难民营没有保健中心,而且获得产前护理的机会有限,产妇和儿童死亡率极高。 With no health center in the camps and limited access to antenatal care, maternal and child mortality rates are extremely high. 世界卫生组织报告,该区域每100 000例活产有1 500多人死亡,尼日利亚是最高的。 The World Health Organization reports over 1,500 deaths per 100,000 live births in the region, the highest in Nigeria. 孕妇往往在不卫生的条件下分娩,这突出表明迫切需要改善获得保健服务的机会。 Pregnant women often deliver in unsanitary conditions, highlighting the urgent need for improved healthcare access.