联合王国承认雇用阿富汗特种部队,重新评估了2 000个在塔利班风险中重新安置的案例。 UK admits employing Afghan special forces, reassesses 2,000 cases for relocation amid Taliban risks.
联合王国政府承认雇用了阿富汗特种部队,允许数百人在先前拒绝重新安置后在联合王国重新安置。 The UK government has acknowledged its employment of Afghan special forces, allowing hundreds to resettle in the UK after previously denying them relocation. 一项审查发现,许多申请因记录保存不当而被拒绝。 A review revealed that many applications were incorrectly rejected due to poor record-keeping. 大约2 000个案件正在重新评估,预计约25%将获得批准。 Approximately 2,000 cases are under reassessment, with around 25% expected to be approved. 这一决定反映了由于这些退伍军人在塔利班统治下面临持续风险而采取紧急行动的情况。 This decision reflects urgent action due to the ongoing risks these veterans face under Taliban rule.