联合王国特种部队因在叙利亚和阿富汗据称发生的事件面临潜在的战争罪指控。 UK special forces face potential war crimes charges over alleged incidents in Syria and Afghanistan.
9名联合王国特种部队士兵可能因叙利亚境内据称发生的事件而面临战争罪指控,另外1起在阿富汗的案件正在审查中。 Nine UK special forces soldiers may face war crimes charges over alleged incidents in Syria, with one additional case in Afghanistan under review. 服务检察当局正在审查这些案件,但具体细节没有披露。 The Service Prosecuting Authority is examining these cases, though specific details are not disclosed. 一项公开调查还调查了2010年至2013年期间联合王国部队在阿富汗的潜在非法杀害行为。 A public inquiry also investigates potential unlawful killings by UK forces in Afghanistan between 2010 and 2013. 国防部强调将人员置于高标准之下,并对任何违法行为采取行动。 The MoD emphasizes holding personnel to high standards and taking action against any violations.