联合王国对伊朗军官和组织对以色列的导弹攻击实行制裁。 UK imposes sanctions on Iranian military officials and organizations over missile attack on Israel.
针对伊朗于10月1日对以色列发动的导弹攻击,联合王国对伊朗高级军事官员和组织实施了制裁。 The UK has implemented sanctions against senior Iranian military officials and organizations in response to Iran's missile attack on Israel on October 1. 这些措施由外交大臣戴维·拉姆米宣布,包括针对指挥官Abdolrahim Mousavi和伊朗航天局等关键人物的资产冻结和旅行禁令。 The measures, announced by Foreign Secretary David Lammy, include asset freezes and travel bans targeting key figures like Commander Abdolrahim Mousavi and the Iranian Space Agency. 这一行动是更广泛地谴责伊朗在七国集团国家支持下在中东紧张局势升级中的作用的一部分。 This action is part of a broader condemnation of Iran's role in escalating tensions in the Middle East, supported by G7 nations.