冰岛的社会民主联盟(Social Democratic Alliance)赢得提前选举,可能会更换领导层。 Iceland's Social Democratic Alliance wins snap election, potentially changing leadership.
在冰岛最近的选举中,由 Kristrun Frostadottir 领导的社会民主联盟获得了 15 个席位,成为最大的政党。 In Iceland's recent election, the Social Democratic Alliance, led by Kristrun Frostadottir, secured 15 seats, becoming the largest party. 这推翻了由总理 Bjarni Benediktsson 领导的执政独立党,该党赢得了 14 个席位。 This ousts the ruling Independence Party, led by Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson, which won 14 seats. 自由改革党以 11 个席位位居第三。 The Liberal Reform Party took third place with 11 seats. 由于没有一个政党获得多数席位,联合执政谈判对于组建新政府至关重要。 With no party achieving a majority, coalition talks are crucial for forming a new government. 这次选举是由公众对移民、能源和住房问题的不满引发的。 The election was triggered by public discontent over migration, energy, and housing issues.