冰岛的社会民主联盟(Social Democratic Alliance)赢得了大多数席位,击败了目前的联盟。 Iceland's Social Democratic Alliance wins most seats, ousting the current coalition.
在冰岛最近的提前选举中,由克里斯特兰·弗罗斯塔多蒂尔领导的中左翼社会民主联盟赢得了最多的席位,取代了执政联盟。 In Iceland's recent snap election, the center-left Social Democratic Alliance, led by Kristrun Frostadottir, won the most seats, unseating the ruling coalition. 该党获得了 15 个席位,即 20.8% 的选票,使 Frostadottir 成为总理的主要候选人。 The party secured 15 seats, or 20.8% of the vote, making Frostadottir a prime candidate for prime minister. 由即将卸任的总理 Bjarni Benediktsson 领导的独立党以 14 个席位位居第二,自由改革党获得 11 个席位。 The Independence Party, led by outgoing Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson, came in second with 14 seats, and the Liberal Reform Party secured 11 seats. 左绿运动失去了所有席位。 The Left-Green Movement lost all its seats. 由于没有一个政党获得多数席位,联盟谈判将决定下一届政府。 With no party achieving a majority, coalition talks are set to determine the next government.