Derry县警察没收了价值10,000英镑的非法烟花,逮捕了一名未经许可出售的男子,并强调了公共安全。 Police in County Derry seized £10,000 worth of illegal fireworks, arrested a man for unlicensed sale, and emphasized public safety.
北爱尔兰德里郡警方查获了价值 10,000 英镑的非法烟花,其中包括 3,000 支二级烟花和 400 支三类烟火。 Police in County Derry, Northern Ireland, seized £10,000 worth of illegal fireworks, including 3,000 Category Two and 400 Category Three pyrotechnics. 一名男子因未经许可出售烟花而被捕,后来被保释。 One man was arrested for selling fireworks without a license and later released on bail. 北爱尔兰警察局强调了公共安全的重要性,警告说,未经许可拥有或出售烟火可导致高达5 000英镑的罚款。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) emphasized the importance of public safety, warning that unlicensed possession or sale of fireworks can lead to fines up to £5,000. 他们敦促报告非法烟火活动。 They urge reporting of illegal fireworks activities.