昆士兰两起不同的除夕夜事件造成一名青少年面部灼伤,另两起造成头部受伤。 Two separate New Year's Eve incidents in Queensland left a teenager with facial burns and two others with head injuries.
一名昆士兰青少年在新年前夕12点05分左右在Beerburum点燃非法烟火后, 面部受到烧伤, A Queensland teenager suffered facial burns and was hospitalized after setting off an illegal firework in Beerburrum on New Year's Eve around 12:05 am. 事件发生在布里斯班以北一个小时。 The incident occurred an hour north of Brisbane. 此外,金海岸的两名青少年在Coolangatta的海洋游行中遭到袭击,头部和面部受伤,大约在晚上10时20分左右在金海岸大学医院接受治疗。 Additionally, two teens on the Gold Coast were assaulted on Marine Parade at Coolangatta, sustaining head and facial injuries, and were treated at the Gold Coast University Hospital around 10:20 pm.