2人被捕,1人因盗窃铜线而遭通缉,市长候选人被控在利文斯顿和东菲利西阿纳教区非法占有;调查仍在进行中。 2 men arrested, 1 wanted for stealing copper wire, mayoral candidate charged with illegal possession in Livingston and East Feliciana parishes; investigation ongoing.
两名男子被捕,第三人因在利文斯顿和东费西西亚纳教区偷铜丝而被通缉。 Two men were arrested, and a third is wanted for stealing copper wire in Livingston and East Feliciana parishes. Glenn Price,市长候选人,面临非法拥有被盗物品和经营无证废金属生意的指控。 Glenn Price, a mayoral candidate, faces charges for illegal possession of stolen goods and operating an unlicensed scrap metal business. 西奥多·迈尔斯 (Theodore Myers) 因逃犯罪被捕。 Theodore Myers was arrested on fugitive charges. 据称,他们出售被盗的电线,从中获利25 000多美元。 They allegedly profited over $25,000 from selling the stolen wire. 调查仍在进行中,有可能提出进一步指控。 The investigation remains ongoing, with potential for further charges.