一名男子因持有价值 120 万美元的被盗铜、黄铜、轮胎和枪支而在加利福尼亚州阿克顿被捕;涉嫌收受赃物和危害儿童罪。 Man arrested in Acton, California, for possessing $1.2m worth of stolen copper, brass, tires, and firearms; suspected of receiving stolen property and child endangerment.
一名男子在加利福尼亚州阿克顿的住所发现了超过 13 万磅被盗的铜和黄铜,价值超过 120 万美元,以及 50 个全新的大型钻机轮胎和 10 支枪支,随后被捕。 A man was arrested in Acton, California, after authorities found over 130,000 pounds of stolen copper and brass worth over $1.2 million, as well as 50 brand-new big rig tires and 10 firearms, at his residence. 嫌疑人哈奇克·亚历克萨尼安(Khatchik Aleksanian)据信从芝加哥地区收受了赃物,并因涉嫌收受赃物和危害儿童罪被捕。 The suspect, Khatchik Aleksanian, is believed to have received stolen property from the Chicago area and was arrested on suspicion of receiving stolen property and child endangerment.