4名嫌犯在杰克逊被捕 罪名是偷铜 用枪支和入室盗窃工具被发现 Four suspects arrested in Jackson for stealing copper, found with guns and burglary tools.
4名嫌犯在密西西比州杰克逊被捕 罪名是偷伯灵顿商店的铜 Four suspects were arrested in Jackson, Mississippi, for stealing copper from a Burlington store. 警察在他们的车里发现了枪支、入室盗窃工具和铜丝网。 Police found guns, burglary tools, and copper wire in their vehicle. 他们都面临指控,包括商业入室盗窃和持有入室盗窃工具。 All face charges including business burglary and possession of burglary tools. 两名嫌疑人受到与持有火器和现行逮捕证有关的额外指控。 Two suspects have additional charges related to firearm possession and active warrants.