Stacy Warren Carpenter因铜线盗窃被捕;另外三人在路易斯安那州案件中被通缉。 Stacy Warren Carpenter arrested for copper wire thefts; three others sought in Louisiana case.
Stacy Warren Carpenter被逮捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括重罪盗窃和在路易斯安那州Tangipahoa教区因偷铜线而拒捕一名军官。 Stacy Warren Carpenter has been arrested and charged with multiple offenses including felony theft and resisting an officer in connection with copper wire thefts in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana. 当局也正在搜寻另外三名嫌犯:Kevin Allen Stevens、Sandie Albin和Huey Edwards。 Authorities are also searching for three other suspects: Kevin Allen Stevens, Sandie Albin, and Huey Edwards. 这次调查在Stevens家发现了十几支枪支、毒品和盗窃证据,将嫌疑人与自8月以来发生的24起AT&T窃窃线事件联系起来,给当地服务部门造成重大干扰。 The investigation, which discovered over a dozen guns, drugs, and theft evidence at Stevens' home, links the suspects to 24 AT&T wire thefts since August, causing significant disruptions to local services.