据Kern县治安官办公室报告,铜线盗窃案有所增加;几名嫌疑人被捕。 Kern County Sheriff's Office reports rise in copper wire thefts; several suspects arrested.
据Kern县治安官办公室报告,铜线盗窃事件有所增加,导致该地区农田和油田的破坏和修理费用严重。 The Kern County Sheriff's Office has reported a rise in copper wire thefts, leading to significant damage and repair costs in the area's farmlands and oilfields. Andrew Smith和Jimmie Beck两人因涉嫌盗窃166号公路附近果园的铜丝而被捕,Smith与多起盗窃有关。 Two men, Andrew Smith and Jimmie Beck, were arrested on suspicion of stealing copper wires from an orchard near Highway 166, with Smith linked to multiple thefts. 此外,Steve Havens是来自塔夫特的53岁男子,因持有被盗铜线和毒品而被捕,当时因盗窃而缓刑。 Additionally, Steve Havens, a 53-year-old man from Taft, was arrested for possession of stolen copper wire and drugs, while on probation for theft. 警长办公室正在敦促公众提供有关这些盗窃的任何信息。 The Sheriff's Office is urging the public to provide any information related to these thefts.