印度的粮食通货膨胀阻碍了政府资助的1.2亿贫困儿童的学校用餐质量。 India's food inflation hampers government-funded school meals' quality for 120 million impoverished children.
印度自2020年年中以来平均为6.3%的长期食品通胀正在降低政府资助的贫困儿童学校膳食的质量和数量。 India's prolonged food inflation, averaging 6.3% since mid-2020, is diminishing the quality and quantity of government-funded school meals for impoverished children. 涵盖约1.2亿儿童的午餐方案预算在两年内没有增加,迫使学校削减基本成份。 The budget for the mid-day meal program, covering around 120 million kids, has not increased in two years, forcing schools to cut essential ingredients. 这导致营养不足,据报水果失踪,蔬菜选择减少,不平等加剧,损害了儿童健康。 This has led to inadequate nutrition, with reports of missing fruits and reduced vegetable options, compromising children's health amid rising inequality.