两个兄弟因袭击一个朋友而入狱 他们误以为 与一个哥哥的前男友有浪漫关系 Two brothers jailed for attacking a friend they mistakenly thought was romantically involved with one brother's ex.
两个兄弟,Daragh和Cian Hayes,因严重攻击他们的朋友Ciaran Ryan而被监禁,他们错误地认为,他们的朋友Ciaran Ryan与Daragh的前伴侣有感情关系。 Two brothers, Daragh and Cian Hayes, have been jailed for severely assaulting their friend, Ciaran Ryan, whom they falsely believed was romantically involved with Daragh's ex-partner. 这次袭击使用推土机和扳手,使Ryan的肺部坍塌、多处骨折和大面积瘀伤。 The attack, using a hurley and wrench, left Ryan with a collapsed lung, multiple fractures, and extensive bruising. Daragh被判处3年徒刑,6个月缓期执行,Cian被判处两年半徒刑,另6个月缓期执行。 Daragh received a three-year sentence with six months suspended, while Cian was sentenced to two and a half years, also with six months suspended. 法官将这次攻击描述为预谋和"维持治安"式的攻击。 The judge described the attack as premeditated and "vigilante-style."