爱尔兰男子79岁, 承认在“安全”家中虐待两个姐妹, 被判14个月监禁。 An Irish man, 79, pleads guilty to abusing two sisters in their "safe" home, sentenced to 14 months.
两个姐妹,其爱尔兰共和军指挥官的父亲于1972年被谋杀,在1981年前往加尔韦寻求安全后,遭到其姑姑的丈夫的性虐待。 Two sisters, whose IRA commander father was murdered in 1972, were sexually abused by their aunt's husband after moving to Galway for safety in 1981. Francis McCann,79岁,最初否认指控,但在审判中认罪。 Francis McCann, 79, initially denied the charges but pleaded guilty at his trial. 法官赞扬了这些姐妹们的勇敢,并判处McCann14个月徒刑, The judge praised the sisters for their bravery and sentenced McCann to 14 months in prison for his "planned and premeditated" actions in what was supposed to be a safe home.