50%的加拿大18至50岁人口因财政和儿童保育费用推迟生育,导致生育率创下历史新高。 50% of Canadian 18-50-year-olds delaying parenthood due to finances and childcare costs, contributing to record low fertility rate.
最近进行的安格斯·里德民意测验显示,18-50岁计划生育子女的加拿大人中约有一半人推迟了父母身份,主要原因是财政不稳定、伙伴挑战和儿童保育费用。 A recent Angus Reid poll reveals that about half of Canadians aged 18-50 planning to have children have postponed parenthood, primarily due to financial uncertainty, partner challenges, and childcare costs. 加拿大的生育率连续第二年下降到历史最低水平,每名妇女生育1.26个子女。 Canada's fertility rate has dropped to a record low of 1.26 children per woman for the second consecutive year. 在非父母中,许多人提到儿童保育费用是他们决定不生孩子的一个重要因素。 Among non-parents, many cited childcare expenses as a significant factor in their decision not to have kids.