25% 的英国千禧一代渴望孩子,由于经济拮据而没有尝试。 25% of English millennials desiring children aren't trying due to financial constraints.
伦敦大学学院的一项研究表明,在英格兰希望生育的千禧一代中,只有 25% 的人正在积极尝试怀孕,这主要是由于住房和托儿费用上涨等经济限制。 A UCL study reveals that only 25% of millennials in England wishing for children are actively trying to conceive, primarily due to financial constraints like rising housing and childcare costs. 在接受调查的32岁人口中,52%是父母,28%的无父母将拖延归咎于经济问题。 Among 32-year-olds surveyed, 52% are parents, while 28% of non-parents attribute their delay to financial concerns. 研究突出了影响父母身份决策的重大财政和就业挑战,特别是在妇女当中。 The research highlights significant financial and employment challenges impacting decisions on parenthood, particularly among women.