乌兹别克斯坦总理访问喀布尔, Uzbekistan's Prime Minister visits Kabul to boost trade relations amid regional security concerns.
乌兹别克斯坦总理阿卜杜拉·阿里波夫率领一个代表团前往喀布尔参加双边会议,以加强阿富汗和乌兹别克斯坦之间的贸易关系,而该地区安全关切日益加剧。 Uzbekistan's Prime Minister, Abdulla Aripov, led a delegation to Kabul for a bilateral meeting to enhance trade relations between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, amid rising security concerns in the region. 这次访问是在乌兹别克代表团与塔利班官员举行另一次会晤之后进行的,其中包括8月18日至19日的乌兹别克产品和货物展览。 The visit follows another Uzbek delegation meeting with Taliban officials and includes an exhibition of Uzbek products and goods from August 18th to 19th. 加强两国之间的外交接触被视为对安全威胁的回应,是维护中亚和平与稳定的必要条件。 Enhanced diplomatic engagement between the countries is seen as a response to security threats and necessary for maintaining peace and stability in Central Asia.