第四巡回上诉法院审查了ACLU对南卡罗来纳州死囚记录政策的挑战。 4th Circuit Court of Appeals reviews ACLU's challenge to South Carolina's death row inmate recording policy.
南卡罗来纳州公民自由联盟正在起诉,以质疑一项禁止记录和公布与死囚面谈的国家政策,具体针对定于11月29日执行的Marion Bowman。 The ACLU of South Carolina is suing to challenge a state policy that prohibits recording and publishing interviews with death row inmates, specifically targeting Marion Bowman, scheduled for execution on November 29. 美国公民自由联盟认为,该政策侵犯了其第一修正案权利,而且过于宽泛。 The ACLU argues the policy violates its First Amendment rights and is overly broad. 国家声称它保护犯罪受害者和安全,而案件现在由第四巡回上诉法院解决。 The state claims it protects crime victims and security, while the case is now before the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals for resolution.