印地安那大学ACLU起诉印地安那大学和Purdue大学, 指控国家“智力多样性”政策违反第一修正案和第十四修正案。 ACLU of Indiana sues Indiana University and Purdue University over alleged First and Fourteenth Amendment violations by state's "intellectual diversity" policies.
印地安那的ACLU对印第安纳大学和Purdue大学提出诉讼, 质疑根据参议院第202号法案颁布的州“知识多样性”政策。 The ACLU of Indiana has filed lawsuits against Indiana University and Purdue University, challenging the state's "intellectual diversity" policies enacted under Senate Enrolled Act 202. 美国公民自由联盟认为,这些政策侵犯了教师的言论自由和学术自由,违反了第一修正案和第十四修正案。 The ACLU argues these policies violate faculty members' free speech and academic freedom, infringing upon the First and Fourteenth Amendments. 批评者说,法律不符合宪法,给教授的职业生涯和学术表达造成困难。 Critics say the law is unconstitutionally vague, creating a difficult situation for professors regarding their careers and academic expression.