美国最高法院拒绝审理两个第一修正案案件,维持下级法院的裁决。 U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear two First Amendment cases, upholding lower court rulings.
美国最高法院选择不审理两个第一修正案案件。 The U.S. Supreme Court has opted not to hear two First Amendment cases. 一起案件涉及马里兰州的一项法令,该法令授权枪支商店展示枪支安全和预防自杀方面的文献,下级法院认为这些文献是有效的条例。 One case involves a Maryland county's ordinance mandating gun stores display literature on gun safety and suicide prevention, which lower courts upheld as valid regulation. 另一个案件涉及在得克萨斯州逮捕三名抗议联盟雕像的抗议者,他们声称自己的宪法权利受到侵犯。 The other case concerns the arrest of three protesters in Texas against a Confederate statue, who argue their constitutional rights were violated. 法院的裁决使下级法院的裁决保持不变。 The Court's decision leaves lower court rulings intact.