新西兰1994年的生育治疗BMI门槛为32, 被批评为过时和歧视性。 New Zealand's 1994 fertility treatment BMI threshold of 32 is criticized as outdated and discriminatory.
新西兰公共资助的生育治疗BMI门槛为32, 被批评为过时和不道德。 New Zealand's BMI threshold of 32 for publicly funded fertility treatments is criticized as outdated and unethical. 最近一次审查是在1994年,这一限制没有反映目前的研究或不同人口的需求,特别是不利于毛利族和太平洋岛屿族裔妇女的需要。 Last reviewed in 1994, this limit does not reflect current research or the needs of diverse populations, particularly disadvantaging Māori and Pacific women. 在治疗前减肥的建议可能污名化。 The advice to lose weight before treatment can be stigmatizing. 批评者呼吁重新评估这些准则,以确保公平获得兼顾健康和文化敏感性的生育护理。 Critics call for a re-evaluation of these guidelines to ensure equitable access to fertility care that considers both health and cultural sensitivities.