澳大利亚前卫生部长Greg Hunt的审查建议制定包括抗逆转录病毒疗法和IVF法律在内的国家生育计划,以解决澳大利亚出生率下降的问题。 Former Australian health minister Greg Hunt's review recommends a national fertility plan, including ART and IVF laws, to address Australia's declining birth rate.
澳大利亚前卫生部长Greg Hunt领导的一项审查建议制定一项国家生育率计划,以应对该国60多年来不断下降的出生率下降的问题。 A review led by former Australian health minister Greg Hunt recommends a national fertility plan to combat the country's declining birth rate, which has fallen over 60 years. 该提案在2024年FSANZ会议上提出,其中包括关于辅助生殖技术(ART)和IVF的统一法律,消除治疗的财政障碍,并为捐助者建立一个中央基因库。 Presented at the FSANZ 2024 conference, the proposal includes uniform laws for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and IVF, eliminating financial barriers to treatments, and creating a centralized genetic bank for donors. 2021年,在澳大利亚和新西兰,20 690名婴儿通过IVF出生。 In 2021, 20,690 babies were born via IVF in Australia and New Zealand.