新西兰的生育率低于更替水平,引起经济关切。 New Zealand's fertility rate falls below replacement level, prompting economic concerns.
新西兰的生育率达到了历史最低水平,低于2.1的人口更替水平。 New Zealand's fertility rate has reached an all-time low, falling below the population replacement level of 2.1. 第一新西兰家庭警告说,生育率的下降应该成为政府的重大关切,因为它可能导致经济衰退。 Family First NZ warns that the declining fertility rate should be a significant concern for the government, as it can lead to economic decline. 预计到2100年全世界生育率将降至1.7以下,所有国家将竞争移徙以维持其人口。 With a worldwide fertility rate predicted to fall below 1.7 by 2100, all countries will compete for migration to sustain their populations. 老龄化人口可能因保健、老年护理和政府养老金费用的增加而给经济带来负担,因此迫切需要解决生育率下降的问题。 An aging population could burden the economy through increased healthcare, aged care, and government pension costs, making it crucial to address the fertility rate decline urgently.