澳大利亚生育组织寻求更新《医疗保健计划》关于平等获得生殖服务不孕症的定义。 Australian fertility organizations seek updated Medicare infertility definition for equal access to reproductive services.
澳大利亚最高生育率组织,包括ANZSREI、FSANZ和RANZCOG,都敦促对不孕症进行医保定义更新,称其过时和具有歧视性。 Australia's top fertility organizations, including ANZSREI, FSANZ, and RANZCOG, have urged for a Medicare definition update of infertility, calling it outdated and discriminatory. 她们倡导平等获得生殖服务,而不论其关系状况、性取向或性别认同如何。 They advocate for equal access to reproductive services, irrespective of relationship status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. 拟议的修改可能影响到对生育治疗的医疗保险供资,目前仅限于那些在正常无保护性行为一年之后无法怀孕的人;单身个人和男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者夫妇往往需要支付数千美元的抗逆转录病毒药物治疗费用,然后才有资格获得医疗保险退款。 The proposed change may affect Medicare funding of fertility treatments, currently limited to those unable to conceive after a year of regular unprotected sex; single individuals and LGBTQ couples often need to pay thousands for IVF treatments before qualifying for Medicare rebates.