由于细菌含量高,洛杉矶州为八个海滩发布游泳咨询。 Los Angeles County issues swimming advisory for eight beaches due to high bacteria levels.
洛杉矶县公共卫生部警告说,由于细菌含量升高,不得在八个海滩游泳、冲浪或玩水。 The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has warned against swimming, surfing, or playing in the water at eight beaches due to elevated bacteria levels. 受影响的地点包括母亲海滩、圣莫妮卡码头和托潘加峡谷海滩。 Affected locations include Mothers Beach, Santa Monica Pier, and Topanga Canyon Beach. 曼哈顿海滩码头的警告因水质改善而解除。 The warning for Manhattan Beach Pier has been lifted following improved water quality. 为了了解最新情况,游客可以拨打1-800-525-5662或访问公共卫生.LACounty.gov/Beach. For updates, beachgoers can call 1-800-525-5662 or visit PublicHealth.LACounty.gov/Beach.