安大略南安普敦海滩因细菌浓度高于标准而关闭。 Southampton Beach in Ontario closed due to elevated bacterial levels exceeding standards.
安大略的南安普敦海滩由于细菌浓度高于安大略省卫生部标准,被灰布鲁斯公共卫生部宣布不安全,无法游泳。 Southampton Beach in Ontario was declared unsafe for swimming by Grey Bruce Public Health due to elevated bacterial levels exceeding Ontario Ministry of Health standards. 从高街到海滩路的海滩将一直关闭,直到进一步测试表明可接受细菌水平为止。 The beach, stretching from High Street to Beach Road, will remain closed until further tests indicate acceptable bacterial levels. 高细菌水平对健康构成危险,包括疾病和感染。 High bacteria levels pose health risks, including sickness and infections. 卫生当局建议南安普敦海滩在水中游泳或玩耍,除非另行通知。 The health authorities advise against swimming or playing in the water at Southampton Beach until further notice.