南部非洲研究人员使用 guarri 灌木气味制作环保的“气味围栏”,以阻止大象破坏农作物。 Southern African researchers create eco-friendly "Scent Fence" using guarri shrub scent to deter elephants from damaging crops.
南部非洲的研究人员创建了一个“气味围栏”,以阻止大象破坏庄稼。 Researchers in southern Africa have created a "Scent Fence" to deter elephants from damaging crops. 这种生态友好的解决方案利用大象避免的常见guarri灌木的气味,使其远离农业地区。 This eco-friendly solution utilizes the scent of the common guarri shrub, which elephants avoid, to keep them away from agricultural areas. 由竹子和香氛盒制成的 Scent Fence 是一种经济高效且非致命的方法,旨在减少人象冲突,同时保护农作物和促进可持续农业。 The Scent Fence, made of bamboo and scent cartridges, is a cost-effective and non-lethal method aimed at reducing human-elephant conflicts while protecting crops and promoting sustainable agriculture.