Saraya公司投资100万林吉特用于在马来西亚种植对大象友好的草地,从而减少人类与动物的冲突。 Saraya Corporation invests RM1 million to plant elephant-friendly grass in Malaysia, reducing human-animal conflict.
日本Saraya公司将在五年内向马来西亚沙巴的下基纳巴坦甘大象食品走廊投资100万林吉特。 The Japanese company Saraya Corporation will invest RM1 million over five years in the Lower Kinabatangan Elephant Food Corridor in Sabah, Malaysia. 该项目涉及在Kinabatangan河岸沿线种植小草,为婆罗洲大象提供替代食物来源,减少与人类的冲突。 The project involves planting napier grass along the Kinabatangan riverbanks to provide an alternative food source for Bornean elephants, reducing conflicts with humans. 该倡议由负责任的大象保护信托基金(RESPECT)牵头,旨在保护大象生境和支持当地生物多样性。 Led by the Responsible Elephant Conservation Trust (RESPECT), the initiative aims to preserve the elephant habitat and support local biodiversity.