剑桥大学和牛津大学研究人员通过7TMRI扫描,将脑电图损伤与长期科维德症状联系起来。 Cambridge and Oxford researchers link brainstem damage to Long Covid symptoms via 7T MRI scans.
剑桥和牛津大学的研究人员发现脑干损伤可能导致长期COVID症状,如呼吸困难,疲劳和焦虑. Researchers from Cambridge and Oxford Universities have identified brainstem damage as a potential cause of Long Covid symptoms like breathlessness, fatigue, and anxiety. 该研究利用对30名住院病人的7TMRI高级扫描,发现脑电图中与严重的COVID-19感染的影响有关的炎症。 Utilizing advanced 7T MRI scans on 30 hospitalized patients, the study revealed inflammation in the brainstem linked to the effects of severe COVID-19 infection. 这些发现可能有助于更好地了解和治疗长期COVID以及多发性硬化症和痴呆症等相关疾病. These findings may enhance understanding and treatment of Long Covid and related conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and dementia.