2名多米尼加男子被捕,在波多黎各南部水域查获价值6百万美元的可卡因。 2 Dominican men were arrested and $6M worth of cocaine seized in waters south of Puerto Rico.
在波多黎各,联邦特工逮捕了两名多米尼加男子,在美国领土以南水域缉获了价值6M美元的可卡因。 In Puerto Rico, Federal agents arrested two Dominican men and seized $6M worth of cocaine in waters south of the U.S. territory. 这标志着波多黎各附近最新的重大毒品缉获,波多黎各是毒品走私到美国本土和其他国家/地区的中转站。 This marks the latest significant drug seizure near Puerto Rico, where it serves as a transit point for drugs being smuggled to the U.S. mainland and other nations. 一艘在波多黎各以南航行的船上发现了300公斤可卡因。 300 kg of cocaine was discovered aboard a boat traveling south of Puerto Rico.